Pass the torch • Play it forward

Apparel retailer Giordano invited 20 remarkable designers and artists to design T-shirts under the theme ‘Pass The Torch and Play It Forward’. The campaign sought to pass forward the positive energy and passion for design from one generation to the next.

I came up with two designs for this project. ‘Everlasting flame’ was the title of Design 1. The Chinese character of ‘flame’ comprises eight repeated characters of ‘human’, which resembles people uniting as one fiery force. I applied a slight stylistic touch to the design to enhance the local cultural flavour.

Design 2 was titled ‘Sparkle’. Every creative person has infinite ideas sparkling in their minds. By gathering these sparks of brilliance, we can light up a spectacular flame that is lively, merry and positive. Meanwhile, the hand-drawn figures in the design represent the independent spirits and distinctive styles of each designer and artist.

client : Giordano
year : 2013